


Program clase

The mind has three natural modes of functioning: positive, negative and neutral. Each mode has its own role and in a healthy environment all three modes are activated in an harmonious way. However, due to past experiences, sometimes we are stuck in a specific mode or there is an imbalance making one aspect stronger and the others weak.

I invite you to read further to understand how this affects our way of feeling and acting and what is to be done to consciously balance these modes and develop a meditative mind, which is the aspects of the mind that has higher purposes, that which allow us to be more balanced and understandable towards life experience.

The negative mind is reactive, it protects us from risks, it preserves us from potential
danger, it’s the survival aspect of the mind and acts as a shield. If it’s too strong, it can
make us see problems in everything. If it’s too weak, then we cannot see the danger and
we suffer, we get into problems and then the negative mind expands, and as a result we
move in circles. It’s balanced with Yamas and Niyamas.

The positive mind is centrifugal, it allows us to identify opportunities and take risks. It’s
projective and it searches for pleasure, fulfilment, it’s constructive and active. When
it’s too strong, we see qualities and opportunities where they aren’t. When it’s too weak, we
don’t see the gifts of life. It’s balanced with asanas and pranayama.

The neutral mind is meditative, it doesn’t attach, react or reject. It’s contrary to
judgment and allows us to see beyond a person’s action. It’s caring, inclusive and
observing. It opens intuition, destiny, subconscious and it allows us to see our own
shadow until we integrate it. It’s balanced with pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and
It’s important to develop the neutral mind since it’s the one that aligns the actions to
the soul. The neutral mind observes the input given by the positive and negative mind;
while concerned about how the experience serves the soul and what actions are to be
taken to express the higher self.
A developed neutral mind allows the yogi to identify and block the thought wave when
entering the psyche by recognizing the negative effect on him. It helps the yogi choose
consciously to which emotions give expression to, and to hold the space for emotions
to complete their own cycle.

Sadhana is the key to balance the three minds and makes us commander of our own mind so we can access at will the meditative mind.

Sadhana is the daily spiritual practice, it’s the time we dedicate to our own
consciousness, witnessing our emotions, our thoughts while keeping a neutral attitude;
we exercise the power to act with awareness, cleansing and discipline the mind to
serve the soul.

Meet me for practice!

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