


Program clase

“In Kundalini yoga the most important thing is your experience. It goes right to your heart. No words can replace that experience.” (Yogi Bhajan)

Kundalini Yoga is a great technology that gives us the tools to access our infinit potential energy to live life with joy and fulfilment.

The 4 pillars of Kundalini Yoga classes I am providing are:

  • Physical Kriyas (set of exercises) – meant to work with the body, to help you relax, release tension and build resistance, optimizing the state of health and enhance the relationship you have with your own body. Because the body talks to you and you need to understands his language in order to have a healthy and longevive life.
  • Pranayama (breath techniques) – meant to increase the awareness of the relationship between your mental and emotional state, energy levels and quality of your breath.
  • Meditation Kriyas (meditation techniques) – meant to support you to tap into your inner space, be aware of your mental and emotional state, to exercise being the witness of your inner processes, detach yourself from the subjectivity of your own mind and raise above it so you can access higher levels of consciousness, connecting to that inner true essence (Satnam).
  • Mantra & sound with tibetan bowls, gong and musical instruments – ancient and most effective tools to soothe the nervous system, to clean and enhance your aura, to create stillness in the mind and body, to akwnoledge your circular patterns and break them with awareness .

We are spiritual beings born on planet Earth for a human experience, we are here to learn to unlearn. The best and only way to gain wisdom is through experience.

  • 26th of January, 11:00 hrs Kundalini Yoga for the navel and heart centers, at Studio Yoga Sperantei
  • 9th of February, 11:00 hrs Kundalini Yoga for the ten bodies, at Studio Yoga Sperantei
  • 23rd of February, 11:00 hrs Kundalini Yoga youness and radiance, at Studio Yoga Sperantei
  • Full price : 120 lei/ person/class
  • Discounted price for participants of previous class : 100 lei/person/class


    One of the key element of being consistent is planning your time in accordance to your goals. You don’t arrive by mistake to a yoga class, you plan and act upon your intention.

    Mark your calendar with 2025 kundalini yoga classes that will take place at the studio:

    • January, 26th
    • February, 9th and 23rd
    • March, 9th and 23rd
    • April, 13th and 27th
    • May, 11th and 25th
    • June, 8th and 29th
    • July, 13th and 27th
    • August, 10th and 31st
    • September, 14th and 28th
    • October, 12th and 26th
    • November 9th and 30th.

    All classes will take place at 11:00 hrs, at Studio Sperantei, Pta Rosetti. In case registrations exceed the available slots, location may change to Botanic Garden studio, however you will by notify in advance.

    Sperantei Studio

    Botanic Garden Studio

    Always grateful to share yoga experience,

    Valentina Preet Teg
