


Program clase

Kundalini Yoga – studio group classes

The Kundalini Yoga experince is about aligning all facets of your being so you feel good in your body, balanced in your thoughts and emotions and at peace with your true Self.

Kundalini Yoga - studio group classes

40days meditation – online

40 days meditation practice for emotional balance and handling stress.

If you want to learn how to navigate your emotions and use the experience of stress as an opportunity to build mental strength, stamina and confidence, this meditation is for you.

40days meditation - online

Yoga – studio private sessions

My practice, experience and double certification in Hatha and Kundalini Yoga allow me to design personalized sessions that serve your needs and intentions.

Yoga - studio private sessions

Kundalini Yoga – online group classes

Experience the Kundalini Yoga classes from the comfort of your own space, with the opportunity to attend live sessions or to practice at your own time and pace, using the provided recording.

Kundalini Yoga - online group classes

Morning sadhana – online

Morning sadhana is the collective practice of kundalini yoga at the ambrozial hours.
In Yoga philosophy the ambrozial hours represent the proper time to break the line between individual consciousness and and the cosmic consciouness, opening us the the experience of Infintity.

Morning sadhana - online

Yoga – online private sessions

Nothing can stay in your way to self growth!
Experince private yoga classes from the comfort of your own space and addapted to your time availabilty.

Yoga - online private sessions

Soundhealing – studio private session

Allow yourself to be guided into a space of relaxation and healing, where the sound and vibration of tibetan singing bowls and gong refresh and restore your body, stimulate the surfacing of deep emotions and patterns that no longe serve you, promoting an increase state of consciosuness.

Soundhealing - studio private session

Mentoring sessions

If you are a brand new yoga teacher and needs support and guidance to start teaching, I am here for you.
With my experience and knowledge in Yoga I can now offer you my expertize to gain confidence and deliver smoothly your classes.

Mentoring sessions

Corporate yoga

Together we can create a work environment where employees are energized, fulfilled, and ready to achieve their best!
Tailored yoga programms that are delivered in professional and high qualitative way, at the office, online or in studio.

Corporate yoga