Welcome to FREE Kundalini Yoga program the first online program I am launching!
This program is part of my practice as student of Kundalini Yoga teacher training and it is an honour to share it with you.
This program was meant to support you in working with your body through physical kriyas (sets of exercises), so you can release tension in the muscles and move the energy in all your cells, tissues and organs. Through the programme you can experience the benefits of different pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation kriyas and mantra chanting, powerful tools used in Kundalini Yoga to relax the nervous system, increase awareness of your mental and emotional state, recognize the patterns in your subconscious mind and shape them in a conscious way.
The Free Kundalini Yoga program includes five classes that already took place, however you can now request the recordings of each practice.
The themes we approached during classes are:
- Kundalini yoga class for clarity & vitality,
- Kundalini yoga class for disease resistance & immunity boost,
- Kundalini yoga for anger release and good communication,
- Kundalini Yoga for balancing beeing and doing,
- Kundalini Yoga for smooth breath and fear release.
Each class is structured to prepare you for physical, emotional and mental release in a very gentle way, it creates space to process all information and integrate the practice, it brings relaxation and stilness for meditation.
This is a free program, however it is recommended to make a charity act , at your own choice, in exchange of the teachings.
This is a very effective program, built with the purpose to open yourself to kundalini energy, the infinite potential energy within you.
For the practice you need a yoga mat or a carpet and a device with acces to internet. It is recommended to wear white clothes.
If you would like to receive the recordings of these classes, please submit your request via below form.
The opportunity is here, you just need to accept it and make a step towards your true Self.