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According to Kundalini Yoga knowledge we are not just body, mind and spirit, we actually have ten bodies, one is physical, three are mental and six are energy bodies.

If you understand that you are these Ten Bodies, and you are aware of those Ten Bodies, and you keep them in balance, the whole universe will be in balance with you. ” Yogi Bhajan

The Ten Bodies are powerful capacities of the psyche. Each body has specific gifts that manifest when strong and certain deficit tendencies that surface when out of balance. Your caliber is determined by the balance of your Ten Bodies.

The root of all disease exists first in one of the energy bodies before it manifests outwardly, in the physical one. Therefore, by strengthening and balancing the Ten Bodies, we can make ourselves healthier. You can strengthen any of the Ten Bodies by developing an ability to identify which body is out of balance, and then practicing the appropriate kriya to strengthen that body.Kundalini Yoga works to balance and activate the Ten Bodies. Therefore, a regular practice of Kundalini Yoga is a way to work on all Ten Bodies at once. However, if you are aware of a weakness or inbalance in one particular body, you can strengthen it by choosing a meditation kriya, a physical kriya, a mantra or a combination of all three that works that particular body.

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The ten bodies are:

  1. Soul body
  2. Negative (protective) mind
  3. Positive (expansive) mind
  4. Neutral (meditative) mind
  5. Physical body
  6. Arcline
  7. Aura
  8. Pranic body
  9. Subtle body
  10. Radiant body

1. The soul body

The soul body connects you to your inner infinity. Your soul is the individual expression of spirit; it contains the basic nuclear energy of you, your foundational Self.  When your soul body is out of balance you act more from your head and less from your heart. You are not able to use your intuitive wisdom and you only focus on rational thinking. It keeps you away from creative flow of life and can create inner conflicts and sense of no purpose in life, or emptyness. 

When balanced you lead your life with ease, you know and live by your individual purpose, you feel fulfilled and enjoy life.

Key to Balancing: Raise the kundalini. Open the heart

2. The negative (protective) mind.

The negative mind has a protection role. It keeps you aware of risks. It also helps you give form to the creativity of the Soul body with the gifts of containment, form, and discernment. 

It instills you a longing to belog, giving the feeling of security and stability, and patience to listen to your inner guidence.

 If your Negative Mind is unbalanced you can to get into inappropriate, self-destructive relationships because you are over-influenced by others; you have weak boundaries; you aren’t contained enough in your own center.

Key to Balancing: Value your discipline. Develop conscious relation-ships of integrity. 

3. The positive (expansive) mind

The Positive Mind sees positive in all and it makes you aware of opportunitirs. It gives you strong will and able to find resources. If the Positive Mind is weak, you can be overwhelmed by the input of Negative Mind which can be depressing and paralyzing. You may be angry and intolerant. 

 Key to Balancing: Strengthen the Navel Point. Use positive affirmations.

4. The neutral (meditative) mind 

Yogis aim to make the neutral mind their default position. From here you look at the whole play of life with compassion, you do not react you act consciously. The Neutral Mind receives input from your Negative and Positive Minds and gives you guidance.

 It is intuitive and it allows you to speak and act in alignment with your soul.

 If your Neutral Mind is weak you may have a hard time making decisions. You’ll usually play the victim card, because you don’t know how to integrate your experiences and find meaning in them.  

Key to Balancing: Meditate.

5. The Physical Body 

The physical body is the temple where the other Nine Bodies play out their parts. It gives you the ability to balance all parts of your life. If strong you easily bring the information into a relevant, concrete form. If your body is weak, you may be angry, greedy, jealous, competitive, ungrateful. Your inner and outer realities will be out of balance. You may have trouble expressing yourself verbally.

Key to Balancing: Exercise regularly. Teach.

6. The arcline

The Arcline extends from earlobe to earlobe, across the hairline and brow. It’s your halo, and is the nucleus of the Aura. Women have a second arcline which extends from nipple to nipple. The Arcline is your projection, your radiance. It gives you the ability to focus, to be concentrated, to meditate. The Arcline, associated with the pituitary gland, regulates the nervous system and glandular balance, thus protecting your heart center. It gives you intuitive guidance to protect yourself, so that you can deal with the stress without shutting down your heart.  If your arcline is weak, you may be overprotective and easily influenced. You may have glandular imbalances, which can lead to inconsistency in your moods and your behavior. You may be unfocused and unable to manifest your goals.

Key to Balancing: Awaken the pituitary gland — the Third Eye.

7. Aura

The Aura is electromagnetic field which surrounds your body. When it’s strong, it acts as a container for your life force, and makes yoy feel confident and secure. It is from this position of security that you can treat others with mercy, and your very presence uplifts all. The Aura is your protection, it is your shield. It can attract positivity and repel or neutralize negativity—negativity from other people, from situations, and illness. If your Aura is weak, then you may be paranoid and lack selftrust, and negativity can penetrate into the psyche and into the physical body. All illness goes into the Aura first. So if you can heal yourself aurically and keep your Aura strong, then illness cannot penetrate into your physical body.

 Key to Balancing: Meditate. Wear white clothing made of natural fibers.

8. The pranic body

Through your breath, your Pranic Body continuously brings the life force and energy into your system. This allows you to feel fearless, fully alive, and at one with all creation. When your Pranic Body is strong, and your breathing is deep and relaxed, nothing can bother you. You are self-motivated, and you have enough energy to achieve your goals. All disease starts with an imbalance in the Pranic Body. If your eighth Body is weak, you may have constant low-level anxiety and chronic fatigue. You may try to get energy from food or stimulants. You may be fearful and defensive. Key to Balancing: All pranayam.

9. The subtle body

Your Subtle Body helps you see beyond the immediate realities of life to the sublime universal play that lies beyond. When your Subtle Body is strong, you havea powerful calmness. You learn quickly and master situations easily. You’re able to walk into a room and intuitively know what’s going on. If your Ninth Body is weak, you may be naive and easily fooled, unintentionally crude or rough in your speech or behavior. You may be restless, because you lack the peace that comes from flowing with the way things are.

Key to Balancing: Do any meditation or kriya for 1000 days.

10. The Radiant body

The Radiant Body gives you radiance, of couree. It’s strength makes you courageous.  Your presence is magnetic and you easily earn people’s respect. You approach life with an “all or nothing” attitude, and always give 110 per cent. It is called the Tenth Body “one-plus” because it’s one (your Soul Body), plus your radiance. If your Tenth Body is underdeveloped, you may be afraid of conflict. You may shy away from other people’s attention, because you are afraid of the energy and responsibility that come with the recognition of your inner nobility. You may feel ineffective and unable to come through in situations.

 Key to Balancing: Commitment. Keep uncut hair.



    Source : Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Textbook, copyright Kundalini Research Institute

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